Residential and Commercial
The weather in Greater Pittsburgh, PA can really fluctuate, with highs of 84° in the summer and lows of 21° or below in the winter. Keeping your family comfortable during the seasonal swings is our goal at Sta So Cool HVAC. Ensure your heating and cooling systems are maintained properly by having them serviced regularly. Maintenance is very important, and it’s similar to the recommended maintenance on an automobile. If it’s been a while since your systems have been looked over, you should schedule a maintenance call. Don’t wait until there is a problem that comes with costly repairs. It’s much easier and less costly to maintain equipment rather than wait until there is a problem.
Greater Pittsburgh, PA has a population of ~2,355,968 and many HVAC services companies. Sta So Cool HVAC is a great choice when you need help because of our close attention to detail. We can properly service or fix your heating and cooling systems the first time. We hope to add you to our list of highly satisfied customers today.
When you work with our team, we will provide you with unparalleled customer service and high-quality workmanship. We will work on:
Reach out to our Pittsburgh team
Phone: (412) 290-4980
Address: 304 Timber Ln, Sewickley, PA 15143
Licence# PA138374
NATE Certified | Authorized Rheem Dealer
If you need help in the Hollywood, MD area we reccomend STA SO COOL.